Mixing and Blending Case Studies and White Papers
Select A Powder Induction Mixer That Can Serve Multiple Mix Tanks Of Virtually Any Size
Rotor/stator mixers specially designed to generate a powerful vacuum within the mix chamber are capable of inducting a wide variety of solids, from fine powders to friable pellets.
Accelerate Bulk Powder Dispersion Into Liquid
Mixing bulk solids into liquid can be challenging not only due to low solubility or resistance to wet-out/dispersion. The difficulty may simply be due to sheer volume.
Mixing Applications In Selected Green Technologies
As major developments continue to advance in the areas of renewable energy, green construction, green chemistry and many other markets, new mixing applications and processing challenges arise. The aim of this paper is to provide practical information on certain mixing requirements currently seen within selected green industries and how these production needs are being met through the efficient use of specialty mixing equipment.
Technical Brief: Mixing High Solids Formulations
Mixer selection for high solids formulations depends on viscosity rather than percent solids. Regardless of solids concentration, low-viscosity mixtures can be prepared in single-shaft rotor/stator mixers or high-speed dispersers. By Charles Ross and Son Company
Tech Brief: Ribbon Blenders Are Ideal For Coating And Mixing Processes
In certain industries, mixing of solid materials is required not only to blend different components, but also to intimately coat a minor or trace ingredient onto the rest of the other particles in the batch. To maximize the functionality of the minor ingredient, individual particles of the bulk material have to be evenly coated. By Charles Ross and Son Company
Tech Brief: Apply High Speed Powder Induction To Eliminate Dusting In The Mixing Area
When poured from one open vessel into another, lightweight solids easily become airborne and can require extensive clean up. The most serious concern however is the impact of dusting on plant safety. By Charles Ross and Son Company
Mixing & Blending Equipment: Give Renting A Try
Unanticipated demand spikes, product line expansions and process improvements generally spell good business. But they may also spell the sudden need for processing equipment. By Charles Ross and Son Company
White Paper: Improvements To The Mixing Step Can Lead To Big Rewards
A semi-continuous process is beneficial to maintaining a clean and streamlined batch mixing operation without compromising the level of control over discrete units of production. The semi-continuous mixing procedure is achieved by utilizing a change-can design mixer. With multiple vessels, one mix could be at the loading stage, another under the mixer, another at the discharge step, and yet another at the cleanup stage.
Graceful Scale-Up Of Mixing Systems: Make It Happen For You
When acquiring a process that involves one or several mixing steps, foresight for scale-up or expansion remains to be a subtle but important factor for long-term success. As production requirements grow, your ability to shift gears smoothly, quickly and efficiently is critical because it can spell the difference between an economical transition and a financial disaster. Many process engineers have answered the call for greater capacity while avoiding scaleup entirely by simply adding more mixers identical to the ones they already had. Submitted by Charles Ross and Son Company
White Paper: The Advantages Of Mixing Under Vacuum
Many of the advantages of mixing, blending and drying under vacuum have been recognized for years. But until recently, vacuum has also been widely misunderstood. Many processors have considered vacuum essential — and cost-effective — only for the most demanding applications.