Charles Ross Products
Automated Turntable/Mixer System
The Turntable System Model TTMS fully integrates any one of the company’s Change Can Mixers with a Discharge System, Turntable and Controls in one self-contained platform.
Dual Shaft Change Can Mixer
The new line of Model CDA Dual Shaft Mixers is offered with an Anchor and a High Speed Disperser.
Inline High Shear Mixer Emulsifier
The company offers a new InLine Mixer Emulsifier which has the capability of assisting in the wetting of difficult to wet solids or minor liquids, all on a continuous basis.
High Shear Mixer and Emulsifier
The Inline High Shear Mixer Emulsifier is designed to assist in the wetting of difficult-to-wet solids or minor liquids, on a continuous basis...
100 Gallon Change Can Sanitary Reactor
The company’s line of sanitary process equipment expands with the offering of a 100 gallon Reaction Vessel.
Finger Blades
The company offers a new blade design for the company’s line of Double Planetary Mixers. The “Finger Blade” design is available for all sizes.
Planetary Mixer Blades
The HV Blade enhances the capability of the Planetary Mixer.
Double Planetary Mixer
The DPM line of Double Planetary Mixers is available in standard 1, 2 and 4 gallon sizes.
Dual Shaft Mixer Brochure
The company offers a new brochure illustrating and describing a line of Dual Shaft Change Can Mixers.
Aseptic Processor
Special aseptic processors are available for the manufacture of sterile products.