Regenerative Oxidizer with Dust Collection
Air pollution control does not always allow a simple approach to a solution. There are applications that have straight VOC's and a Regenerative oxidizer is all that is required. However, Controlled Environment specializes in total system approaches to the unusual and difficult applications. Particulate matter in the airstream can cause maintenance headaches and frequent downtime of production when the particulate matter in the airstream builds up on the heat exchanger beds.
Controlled Environment offers a Twin Bed Regenerative Oxidizer with a dust collection system that is integrated as a system to prevent costly build up in the oxidizer and downtime as a result. The dust collection device is specifically selected to meet the requirements of particulate that is present in the process exhaust. When the system is being designed, Controlled Environment initially studies and reviews the process exhaust requirements for the purpose of reducing overall exhaust airflows if possible through cascading and recirculation. The end result is lower capital costs and lower operating costs.
SOURCE: Controlled Environment Equipment the Regenerative oxidizer systems,Thermal recuperative, oxidizers, Air pollution control, VOC emission control, Waste heat recovery, 100% capture systems, Engineering design , installation, Hydrocarbon destruction, Odor control, Dust collection, Scrubbers, MACT Standards the