Model-Free Adaptive Control Instrument
CyboCon CE combines the power of the company's MFA control technology and Microsoft's Windows CE real-time operating system. Embedded in GE/Total Control's FactoryClient 2000 Industrial Platform, it can control industrial problematic loops and does not require process models, identification, controller design, nor complicated controller tuning.
CyboCon CE alleviates the concerns of users who do not feel comfortable using PCs to implement advanced regulatory control solutions. Based on the FactoryClient 2000, a diskless industrial computer, it is suitable for the factory floor. Features include an industrial touch screen flat-panel, pop-up windows and icons for faceplates, trend charts, menus, and number pads allowing users to easily configure, startup, monitor and maintain the controllers. The software module of CyboCon CE, which is designed for low maintenance, runs from resident memory and has sophisticated backup and security features. Its rigid industrial enclosure, flat panel color display, real-time I/O capability and touch screen interface allow it to be installed and mounted on machinery, equipment, process line or control room panels.
The ever-increasing need to achieve flexible production and Six Sigma quality objectives, coupled with severe worldwide competition, require that a broad range of industrial users obtain improved control technology. The company's MFA controllers offered in the CyboCon CE control instruments are capable of controlling a wide range of complex processes, all the way from small extruders to large rotary kilns, from industrial furnaces to grain dryers, and from chemical reactors to distillation column chains.
CyboCon CE is a hardware implementation of CyboCon software. It uses the company's Model-Free Adaptive (MFA) control technology, which can control most problematic industrial control loops, including nonlinear, multivariable and time-variant, and deal effectively with headaches such as significant time delays, bad transient behavior, and frequent dynamic or load changes. Most importantly, MFA control technology does not require process models, identification, controller design, nor complicated controller tuning, making commissioning and maintenance of the control system much easier than other advanced control methods.
CyboCona CE is available in various models including a single-loop Feedback/Feedforward MFA Controller, a single-loop MFA Constraint Controller, and an MFA pH Value Controller.
Cybosoft, 3320 Data Dr., MS 100, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670. Tel: 916-631-6313. Fax: 916-631-6312.