White Paper

Mixing & Blending Equipment: Give Renting A Try

Source: Charles Ross and Son Company

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White Paper: Mixing & Blending Equipment: Give Renting A Try

By Charles Ross and Son Company

Unanticipated demand spikes, product line expansions and process improvements generally spell good business. But they may also spell the sudden need for processing equipment. When new equipment is too expensive to purchase or when outsourcing is more a hassle than a solution, the option of renting can offer many manufacturers a way to cushion the abrupt change, especially when no one knows how long the increased demand will last.

Renting of pre-owned or brand new capital equipment is not a new business concept, rental programs have been offered by equipment manufacturers for decades. While the benefits of renting are many, a good number of companies are still reluctant to give it a try. Customers may simply be unaware that the same exact equipment they need is available in a rental fleet. And even if they are aware of the equipment's availability, the perceived lack of reliability with renting pre-owned equipment can become a deterrent.

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White Paper: Mixing & Blending Equipment: Give Renting A Try