FCC Calibration Software
A specimen with one or more measurement pints is set up as a product (file). The individual measurements points are stored as features under the product. Data transfer is performed per feature and application.
The FCC Software can be used to create user-specific print form headers. Either a user-specific or a standard print form header can be read in for each product.
Group sizes, and control and specification limits can be defined for the measurement data. SPC control charts, histograms and probability charts are available for the graphical evaluation. Measurement data can be read in by feature either on-line and outliner rejected form the statistics. A normal distribution test and the calculation of the process capability indices Cp and Cpk follow.

Fischer Technology, Inc., 750 Marshall Phelps Road, Windsor, CT 06095. Tel: 860-683-0781; Fax: 860-688-8496.