
Chemical Manufacturing Services

Source: DSM Products
DSM Pharma Chemicals is a worldwide provider of high quality custom manufacturing services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries

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Datasheet: Chemical Manufacturing Services

DSM Pharma Chemicals is a worldwide provider of high quality custom manufacturing services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries.

Our services include the production of advanced intermediates such as unnatural amino acids and derivatives, registered intermediates, and active pharmaceutical ingredients. From process development to commercial manufacturing, we focus the right resources to provide the highest level of service and quality. At DSM we ensure innovative solutions to meet your unique manufacturing needs.

We offer a full range of contract manufacturing services with emphasis on:

  • Technology transfer
  • Process research and development
  • Production of preclinicaltrial material
  • Process optimization
  • Analytical development
  • Scale-up
  • Regulatory support
  • Commercial manufacturing

We practice more than 90% of all commercially used chemical conversions with special emphasis on

Chiral Technologies – We offer an integrated approach to manufacturing through the use of chiral technologies. Our portfolio includes a broad selection of chiral building blocks.

Biocatalysis – We are experts in the use of natural processes for complex chemical syntheses. This expertise in combination with our extensive background in enzyme production technology allows us to identify intelligent solutions that address your demanding production requirements.

Fermentation – Our solid experience in the production of secondary metabolites includes antibiotics, antifungals and bioactive proteins. Our competencies cover the entire field of large-scale bioprocessing including strain improvement, process scale-up, downstream processing and analytics method development.

  • DSM's pluGBug® technology gives us quick access to a broad range of fermentation products via a small number of well-known production strains.

Homogeneous Catalysis – Our portfolio of services includes a wealth of synthetic transformations such as: asymmetric hydrogenation of olefins, ketones, enamides and imines using DSM's MonoPhos® ligands and asymmetric hydrogenation.

Oxidation – We operate the world's largest plant for performing commercial scale ozonolysis reactions and we're committed to the identification of new oxidation technologies.

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Datasheet: Chemical Manufacturing Services