
Sniff IR Gas Detector

Source: Sensor Electronics Corporation
CHEM SHOW '99: The Sniff IR low-cost infrared gas detector can spot even faint traces of leaking hydrocarbon gases.
CHEM SHOW '99: The Sniff IR low-cost infrared gas detector can spot even faint traces of leaking hydrocarbon gases.

This stand-alone detector is a direct plug-in replacement for conventional catalytic-type units. But because of its design, it virtually eliminates the frequent costly and time-consuming calibration required with catalytic detectors.

The unit reacts swiftly to virtually any hydrocarbon gas- propane, methane, ethane, gasoline, kerosene and the like. This means that it is particularly efficacious for offshore platforms, pipeline systems, pumping stations, refineries, tank farms, petrochemical plants- or wherever hydrocarbon gases present a potential explosion problem.

To guard against false alarms, it uses two precision sensors tuned to different infrared frequencies. Any change- however slight- in the ratios between the two IR signals triggers an immediate alarm. Patented control algorithm automatically compensates for component aging and changing environmental conditions.

The unit's design uses simple optics- no mirrors or beam-splitters- for trouble free operation even in inclement atmospheres. Unlike catalytic models, it works in high hydrocarbon vapors or low-oxygen environments.

The unit measures 6½ inches long and 2½ inches diameter; input is 10/30 VDC, output 4-20 mA. Alarm relays can drive warning lights and sirens, turn on fans, close emergency doors, and bring help on the run.

Sensor Electronic Corporation, 5500 Lincoln Dr., Minneapolis, MN 55436. Tel: 800-285-3651 or 612-938-9486. Fax: 612-938-9617.