Epoxy Products
Source: Five Star Products, Inc.
HP Epoxy Grout and DP Epoxy Grout are expansive, nonshrink, three component epoxy systems.
HP Epoxy Grout and DP Epoxy Grout are expansive, nonshrink, three component epoxy systems. These products have been enhanced with improved performance properties and have adjustable aggregate content for enhanced flow characteristics. Both systems allow for solvent-free cleanup.
HP Epoxy Grout is a system formulated to exhibit improved high early strengths for start-up in 8 hours or less. With the highest creep resistance at elevated temperatures, it is used for tight clearance grouting from ½ to 6 inches. DP Epoxy Grout is a versatile, dual-purpose product formulated for single, large volume placements. It is designed for a quick turnaround of 10 hours or less at 80º F and may be used in depths from ½ inch up to 5 cubic yards.
Five Star Products, Inc., 425 Stillson Rd., Fairfield, CT 06430-3148. Tel: 203-336-7900. Fax: 203-336-7930.
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